Snipe-it The best free solution for Asset Inventory

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Snipe-IT is a comprehensive and free inventory solution that allows businesses to manage their assets efficiently. With Snipe-IT, organizations can easily track the location, status, and condition of their assets, as well as manage maintenance and acquisition of new items.

mulher visualizando controle de inventario

Snipe-IT Overview

The Snipe-IT platform is user-friendly and offers an intuitive interface that allows users to manage their assets quickly and efficiently. Additionally, the solution is highly customizable, allowing companies to tailor the platform to their specific needs.

With Snipe-IT, it’s possible to track all hardware and software assets and manage software licenses. It’s also possible to generate a barcode label for each asset.

codigo de barras

With features such as custom reporting and integration with other asset management tools, Snipe-IT is a complete solution for companies looking for an efficient way to manage their assets.

Installing Snipe-IT

We’ve created a step-by-step guide for installing the tool, with access control and HTTPS protocol configuration.


  1. Instalando o Snipe-IT
  2. Personalizando o Snipe-IT
  3. Snipe-IT: Importando ativos
  4. Realizando o backup do banco de dados do Snipe-IT

Initial Configuration

The initial configuration of Snipe-IT is a simple and quick process. In this section, we’ll cover some important points to configure the tool.

Defining Users and Permissions

After installation, it’s important to define users and permissions to ensure that only authorized people have access to the system.

Snipe-IT offers various levels of permission, from administrator to regular user. Administrators have full access to the system, while regular users can be limited to viewing or editing only certain areas of the system.

To define users and permissions, simply access the “Users” section in the main menu and add the necessary users. It’s important to remember to assign the correct permissions to each user to ensure they have only the necessary access.

With these basic settings, Snipe-IT is ready to be used. It’s important to remember to keep the system updated and properly configured to ensure its smooth operation.

Asset Management

With Snipe-IT, it’s possible to register, track, and generate reports about company assets.

Asset Registration

Simply fill in the necessary information, such as name, description, serial number, location, among others. Additionally, it’s possible to assign a responsible person for the asset and define the category to which it belongs.

Asset Tracking

With Snipe-IT’s asset tracking, it’s possible to know exactly where each asset is located and who is responsible for it. This helps prevent losses and misplacements, as well as facilitates locating an asset when needed.

Asset Reports

Snipe-IT allows you to generate reports about company assets easily and quickly. It’s possible to obtain information about the location of assets, who is responsible for them, which assets are in use, and which are available. Reports can be generated in various formats, such as PDF and CSV, making them easy to view and analyze.

License Management

Snipe-IT offers functions for managing software licenses. With this functionality, it’s possible to maintain an up-to-date inventory of licenses acquired and distributed by the company.

Snipe-IT’s license management also offers the possibility to generate reports on software usage, allowing the company to identify usage patterns and make more informed decisions about acquiring new licenses.

Accessory Management

The system allows users to register their inventory of accessories or add accessories to existing assets.

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You can add notes and descriptions to accessories, which can be useful for informing about the condition, compatibility with certain equipment, or other relevant information.

Consumable Management

Consumable management is an important feature that helps keep track of supplies and materials used in your company.

It’s possible to track detailed information about consumables, such as available quantity, expiration date, supplier, price, and storage location.

You can set alerts to notify you when the quantity of a certain consumable is low or when the expiration date is approaching.

Snipe-IT’s consumable management also offers the ability to create custom reports to help analyze the usage and costs of your supplies.

Support and Community

Dedicated support is only available for the paid version of the technology. Free support includes documentation available on the website itself, and you can also get help in the Github community, where the project is maintained, and in the Discord.


In summary, Snipe-IT is a powerful and efficient tool for companies that want to maintain precise control over their equipment and accessories. With a user-friendly interface, it’s an excellent option for small and medium-sized companies without the need to spend money.

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