Samba4 – Creating users in Samba with shell script

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With this script, you’ll be able to create users in Samba4. To execute the steps in this article, you must already have Samba4 configured and functioning as a domain controller. We have created a complete article showing how to install and configure Samba4.

See the article “Configuring Samba as a domain controller“.

With Samba4 prepared, follow the steps below:

Step 1

Create the file

Step 2

Edit the file and add the following content:


list=('user1' 'user2' 'user3' 'user4' 'user5')

for user in ${list[@]}; do
        samba-tool user create $user Pass$123  --home-directory=\\\\ads\\$user

Step 3

Add the users you want to create in place of user1, user2, etc.

Step 4

Personalize o comando de criação dos usuários caso queira adicionar algum parâmetro. Como --script-path para adicionar um script logon para os usuários. Veja informações adicionais sobre parâmetros na documentação do samba4: Adding users with samba tool

Customize the user creation command if you want to add any parameters. Like –script-path to add a login script for users. See additional information about parameters in the Samba4 documentation: Adding users with samba tool

Step 5

Save the file and change the execution permission of the file with the following command:

chmod a+x

Step 6

Execute the script with the command:


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